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PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:29 pm 

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I'm eagerly awaiting a double acting truss rod to come in the mail. Meanwhile, I'm cutting the slot. Cumpiano says "don't do it by hand" but I don't have a router and don't really want one, so I'm doing it now. I understand the bottom needs to rounded which won't be a problem. Where does the slot end, under the but location or just before it? Should the end also be rounded?



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PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 8:32 pm 
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You're just full of questions Jimmy James. :lol: That's a good thing. Don't cut anything until you have the thing you are cutting for in your hand. It's then pretty self explanatory.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:03 pm 

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Yep, I'm an information junkie and I'm very motivated to successfully build a guitar. Yes, I'm impatient but I figure I can practice and work out some things beforehand. I didn't cut the slot to full depth or width, or full length. I don't have a functioning guitar at the moment and that isn't good for me.

Am I overdoing it on the questions? Sometimes Cumpiano isn't clear and the fact he's making two guitars creates lots of flipping around and I wonder if I'm missing anything. Sometimes it helps to hear it from another viewpoint. I do actually search around too. Did I mention that I've no idea what I'm doing? Lol.



PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:40 pm 
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Wait for the rod!


PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:42 pm 
Brazilian Rosewood
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I'm building a double hung door way right now and I would not ever consider framing it without having the doors in hand. I understand that carpentry and lutherie are like... well not the same. In this modern CNC world I suppose it's okay to build parts separately, at least in theory, but how many Wal-Mart products that don't fit together properly does it take for all of us to revert back to good old school methods? :)

You don't need a rounded slot. Ideally this is a great idea but in practice just make sure the rod fits and doesn't rattle.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 9:49 pm 

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Okay, okay, I'm waiting... Meanwhile does the slot go under the nut or stop before? I'll still need to know.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 10:32 pm 
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Jimmyjames wrote:
Am I overdoing it on the questions?

Honestly? No offense, but yeah, a little bit. Everybody here wants to be polite and helpful. Cut back a little bit on the questions and folks will happily answer them. Keep up your current pace and you run the risk of being seen as a nuisance.

Please don't be upset. I'm the kind of guy who will tell you when your fly is open.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 31, 2015 11:55 pm 
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Jimmyjames wrote:
Okay, okay, I'm waiting... Meanwhile does the slot go under the nut or stop before? I'll still need to know.

Preferably should stop before, so the block at the end of the truss rod is held in place as tightly as possible. But I doubt anything bad would happen if it did extend under the nut.

Personally I don't mind the questions a bit. Keeps the forum lively :)

And after this guitar is done, if you think you'll be building a lot more, get a Veritas plow plane. Makes cutting truss rod slots a joy. Plus you get a pile of strips that can be used as purfling :)

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 1:47 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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If you are patient, you can do anything by hand, even stuff that seems impossible. Having a huge set of hand tools like 10 different types of planes, saws, etc. the cost of which will dwarf any investment in power tools would help. (A Veritas plane costs around 2-300 dollars, and you need like 5 different types to plane a piece of wood properly. By the time you bought all that you could have bought a thickness sander)

You can take a straight edge, and score the perimeters, and then remove the wood in the middle with a properly sized chisel. Or you may use a router plane. Don't worry about rounded bottomed slot... you can fill that with silicone (which is a good idea to prevent rod rattle) to take up any gaps.

As for questions, I don't understand why people get so offended by it. But then on the internet people get offended by anything. At least it's what I have found...

Cat-gut strings are made from kitten guts, stretched out to near breaking point and then hardened with grue saliva. As a result these give a feeling of Pain and anguish whenever played, and often end up playing themselves backwards as part of satanic rituals.

Typhoon Guitars

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:47 am 
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Tai Fu wrote:
As for questions, I don't understand why people get so offended by it. But then on the internet people get offended by anything. At least it's what I have found...

I'm not offended by Jimmy's questions. I'm not sure where you got that. Jimmy asked if he was overdoing it with the questions. Well, out of 50 threads showing on the first page of the guitar building forum (i.e., the 50 most recent threads), Jimmy started 13 of them. That's 26% of the new discussions. That's a lot from one person, and they all ask beginner type questions.

That doesn't offend me; but when the guy asks for guidance as to whether he is asking too many questions all at once, I'll give him an honest answer. The same way I would tell a person who asks whether they have food stuck in their teeth. If you ask, I'm going to be straight with you.

These users thanked the author doncaparker for the post: jack (Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:09 am)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:31 am 

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doncaparker wrote:
Jimmyjames wrote:
Am I overdoing it on the questions?

Honestly? No offense, but yeah, a little bit. Everybody here wants to be polite and helpful. Cut back a little bit on the questions and folks will happily answer them. Keep up your current pace and you run the risk of being seen as a nuisance.

Please don't be upset. I'm the kind of guy who will tell you when your fly is open.

I'm reminded of the fable where an old man, a boy, and a burrow are traveling.

Frankly, I just think my approach might be different than yours. I read the Cumpiano book three times. I took notes. I carefully thought through how I could do things with the resources and tools I have on hand and what would be absolutely essential in terms of tools, with so many choices and methodologies there's a lot to work out. I read blogs, builds, and googled everything I could think of. I then gathered my questions and asked in a steady stream. Now I have a exact database of things I want to know easily found under my username.

I believe I've made an honest, methodical and logical pursuit of making a guitar. My Father was a noted scientist who was involved in one of the great achievements of mankind and I approach things just as he taught me to.

And there's a bonus of discovery, you see I'm pretty certain that only smart people build guitars and they'll talk about things in the process of answering my questions and I'll discover more depth than I realized before. Example: see above where I'm told about using a plow plane to cut the slot and getting purfling at the same time.

And finally, there's a social benefit which is the most important thing of all. If I just searched and didn't engage in dialogue I'd miss out on what's important in life: being involved with people. Sure we could just Google everything and never talk to anyone but where's the fun? I wouldn't have gotten to make that Spicoli quote to Dan Smith about Spicoli's Father having a monster set of tools. Where's the mental exercise of reading and writing? I live in the world, I want to be involved. When I see a topic title that doesn't interest me I just skip over it.

You made the point that I asked 13 questions out of the last 50. That is offensive. You're deliberately manipulating the numbers to 26%. Now how about you divide my 13 by the total number of threads, what percentage is it now? Uh huh. Don't play that shady politics with me. That is shameful and childish. When a person attempts stunts like this thinking they will get away with it I can see the limit of their intellect. You have greatly underestimated me.

In time you will realize that I bring great things to this forum. My background is far reaching. To say that the beginner does not contribute to a field they know nothing about is foolish on the part of the master. The student teaches the master just as much by spurring new eyes into what the master has forgotten. It's the ying yang of progress, to discount it pure foolishness. The intersection of disciplines and backgrounds will create new thinking.

The internet was created for scientists to exchange information and that's exactly what I'm doing. This forum is an extension of that where knowledge, ideas, and the commerce of selling tools and materials converges. If I'm using it to that end, what's wrong with that? How are you using it? Are my questions injuring you somehow?

I enjoy building things. I've built stuff that most sane people would never consider: a television, et cetera. The last thing I built was a bicycle, spokes up. It came out spectacular. One might think it easy until you trust it to speed down a hill at fifty miles an hour. I assure you, I'm not wasting anyone's time. I Can Do anything my heart desires and I'm very excited about building this guitar. So forgive my enthusiasm.

If enthusiasm bothers you, the problem is you. Enthusiasm is a positive force. Rather than be offended or mad I'm going to give you a gift. I can see the symbiosis of my need for knowledge regarding Lutherie and your need for my knowledge as well. You need to be reminded to check your head, get out and get some exercise, clear your head and you'll be enthusiastic about things again. It's so easy to forget what that feels like. Remind yourself.



These users thanked the author Jimmyjames for the post: Glenn_Aycock (Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:54 pm)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:44 am 
Brazilian Rosewood
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Like I said, people say all kinds of mean stuff on the internet that they would never say to you in person.

Cat-gut strings are made from kitten guts, stretched out to near breaking point and then hardened with grue saliva. As a result these give a feeling of Pain and anguish whenever played, and often end up playing themselves backwards as part of satanic rituals.

Typhoon Guitars

These users thanked the author Tai Fu for the post: Jimmyjames (Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:48 am)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:46 am 

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DennisK wrote:
Jimmyjames wrote:
Okay, okay, I'm waiting... Meanwhile does the slot go under the nut or stop before? I'll still need to know.

Preferably should stop before, so the block at the end of the truss rod is held in place as tightly as possible. But I doubt anything bad would happen if it did extend under the nut.

Personally I don't mind the questions a bit. Keeps the forum lively :)

And after this guitar is done, if you think you'll be building a lot more, get a Veritas plow plane. Makes cutting truss rod slots a joy. Plus you get a pile of strips that can be used as purfling :)

That plow plane idea is genius. Cutting the slot and getting purfling at the same time is exactly the sort of thing I want to know. Thanks.

I have six planes so far and really appreciate the simplicity of them and other hand tools. I can control them, no wires and accuracy. My experience with machine tools is that they break, need parts, and sharpening them is a major hassle compared to hand methods.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:52 am 
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Ooooh boy. Well, I have obviously offended you, Jimmy, and for that I apologize.

I have no desire to have fights with folks on the internet, so I won't be responding to anything else in the above post.

Would it be too much to ask that this be the end of your complaints about me? I gave you an answer to the question you asked about overdoing it. I offended you with that answer. You said lots of things about me. I apologized for offending you, without responding to the things you said about me. I just don't see the point of saying more stuff. It would be great if we could not do this.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 11:58 am 

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I'm only offended at the manipulation of numbers. I've no interest in fighting with anyone about anything in person or on the internet but I'll certainly defend myself. I did and that's that. Apologies accepted unequivocally.

Now let's move on and get back to the creation of guitars.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:09 pm 
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You could consider making one topic like "jimmy's new build".
Include all questions and answers in under one topic.
A beginner like myself could easily find answers related to a new build in one spot.
Just a thought...
Best of luck,


These users thanked the author dzsmith for the post: Glenn_Aycock (Wed Apr 01, 2015 7:55 pm)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 12:13 pm 

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I'll be happy to do that.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:26 pm 

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This thread needs a goat...

sweat the small stuff.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:02 pm 
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I think Lance should open up a new Forum Room for Jimmy. :lol: Just messing with you buddy.

These users thanked the author DannyV for the post: LanceK (Fri Apr 03, 2015 10:39 am)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 5:29 pm 

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Haha, you know I can't be contained in a single room.


These users thanked the author Jimmyjames for the post: DannyV (Wed Apr 01, 2015 10:45 pm)
PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:47 pm 

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Don't worry about asking too many questions. There'll always be that FNG. ;-)

Besides, the questions and discussion keep it lively, as long as everyone remains civil. Some of us are smart asses, and it's too easy to accidentally insult someone on the internet when only a friendly jab was intended.

You will undoubtedly have many great (and not so great) ideas to contribute and make friends/followers as a result, so don't take personally.

I read Cumpiano too. I found it fascinating but dated. I was also confused flipping between the steel/classical organization (while compiling a BoM if I recall) and disappointed with the awful photo reproductions. Still, a good resource worth buying.

IMHO, the Kinkead and Bogdanovich books are better suited for anyone just getting started. They very richly illustrated (in color). Once you get comfortable building, you will likely be more curious to learn from others about their techniques, experiment with the tonal qualities of different bracing patterns and wood, invent jigs to simplify tasks, and proudly share them on the forums before discovering that someone else did it first and better :roll:.

Build on!

PostPosted: Wed Apr 01, 2015 8:57 pm 

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Well said. Thanks.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:43 am 
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Heath Blair wrote:
This thread needs a goat...

I'll try to fill in for Tony_in_NYCC but all I could do on such short notice was a bighorn sheep. But, as a bonus you also get me in a sumo suit. . .


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Bryan Bear PMoMC

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:56 am 

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"They were in love, alas, the first interspecies sumo man and ram relationship was a shock to most people."

PostPosted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:10 am 
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I hope the Ram knows that it is an open relationship. That same sumo man spent a lot of time with a big blue bear and a giant cardinal too.

Bryan Bear PMoMC

Take care of your feet, and your feet will take care of you.

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